Secrets of Communicating Found in a Business Communication Course

Business is ALL about communicating! Without communicating, how can businesses talk to their customers? Or, how can staff within a business talk to each other? Or, how can the CEO express their vision to the organization? Clearly, communicating is vital. But, what’s the best way of communicating and how can you learn this?

How many ways are there to communicate in business?

There are lots of ways of communicating. The obvious one is talking. You just talk to someone and you think you’re communicating, right? Not so fast… what if the person you’re talking to is not listening…or, the listener can’t understand what you’re saying … are you really communicating?

A message HAS to get through … in a way that the sender intended – and the listener understands – before communication is successful.

There are lots of ways of communicating. The obvious one is talking.

You just talk to someone and you think you’re communicating, right?

Not so fast… what if the person you’re talking to is not listening…or, the listener can’t understand what you’re saying … are you really communicating?

The message HAS to get through … in a way that the sender intended – and the listener understands – before communication is successful.

Maybe you can write something down in a message. Maybe it’s a handbook of rules.

Or, an email. But, again, if the person doesn’t read the message … or, doesn’t understand it … are you really communicating?

What about non-verbal communication?

Research has found that 85% of communication is non-verbal.

We humans are very good at picking up at the non-verbal communication. So, if our body language says one thing while our message is something else, what are we really communicating?

What would a business communication course teach me?

Getting to know how to communicate effectively is not only vital for success but essential in business. Essentially, a good business communication course should teach you to recognize who your audience is, then pitch the message at the right level, in the right way.

I mean, if you’re talking to a bunch of four-year-old, then the message and the way you pitch it will be entirely different to pitching the message to a team of professional research assistants. This sounds obvious, but it’s so important to get it right.

Then, there are subtleties that are important to learn. For example, sometimes emotions get in the way of both the sending of the message and the receiver of the message. If the receiver simply does not like the message sender, then it’s unlikely that the message will even get through.

Another subtlety is recognizing that the reader/receiver of the message will already have some understanding of the message – before you send it.

Sounds crazy, right?

But once you get that the receiver is a real person, who has some life & work experience and, therefore, is possibly predicting and even understanding where you’re coming from even before you have completed your message, then you might adjust your message accordingly.

Don’t forget there are things to learn about the right mode of communicating. Some say that if it takes more than 5 minutes to write a message, then don’t email it, but call and talk it over instead. But, then, if a message takes way too long, then the essence of the message may be lost.

Would a Business communication course get me a job?

There’s a whole lot of industries developed to put these skills into practice. The PR industry, the Advertising industry, Marketing, Politics, and the TV world are all relying on the right message getting through. So, a business communication course would be essential in learning how to get this right.

You can learn to communicate in a course and you’ll learn to recognize and apply communication techniques in life. Uni courses are good, though they take years to complete. TAFE and online courses can fast-track you. And, there are heaps of books and TED Talks and Seminars that can show you the tricks.

Once you learn the techniques, you will see it all around you. For example, watch how two women talk to each other in person; normally fronting face to face, right? Meanwhile, watch the men; they normally feel more comfortable communicating when they’re side by side, looking in the same direction.

If you love the way communicating works, then a good business communication course together is a must. Then, combined with your own observations, you’ll get to be an expert really quickly!

CEO & Founder of Edmund Barton College of Business

I’m fortunate enough to do what I love for my work and I have some really great, professional, capable, and long-standing people working with me who share my passion for delivering world-class education in online Business courses with the best customer service we can provide.

By surrounding myself with talented individuals and heeding their advice, I built a thriving Registered Training Organisation. Fifteen years later, I continue to lead as CEO, driven by my passion for education and its transformative benefits.

Currently, I’m studying Philosophy, Politics, and English. I also play the drums (not well!), get emotional during movies (especially when the reluctant hero triumphs), and enjoy sports and climbing mountains (literally!).

Favourite quote “Knowledge is power” – Francis Bacon

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